About Tegan

I strongly support the wellness paradigm, and take my work beyond focusing on superficial signs and symptom and instead use them to understand what is going on for you in your life at a deeper fundamental level. If we can’t get to the root, then any action we take isn’t going to have the long term effects you’re really wanting.

My work has stemmed from my own journey of honest, confronting and transformational experiences. My incessant curiosity has lead me down a path of connecting and understanding my emotional, physical and intuitive body. This deep attunement has been crucial in understanding the whats and whys of what is being created in my life.

Growing up as a very sensitive child in a very emotionally repressed culture has given me the first hand understanding of how hard these days it is to simply, ‘be ourselves’ (so easily said but a confusing and scary journey to undertake).

Gratefully I am now in a place where I understand more about myself and the world we live in and am ready to give back. Now knowing my strengths of sensitivity, intuition, boldness and empathy I am excited by the notion of working with others to empower them to be their own biggest supporter. 

With my soft hearted no bull sht approach, I am known for inviting people to places they have never been and lovingly invite them to step into a deeper, hopeful and more integral version of themselves. 

My journey to freedom and adventure has currently found me living on the ocean in a beautiful sailboat called Olive with my partner, continuing to learn about anything and everything that excites me and contributing to my world wide community of people who are ready to move from pain to pleasure in their life. 

New Paradigm Intimacy, Sex & Intimacy Coaching, Certificate IV – Massage Therapy (QAcademy), Certificate III – Psychosomatic Therapy (Trained under Chris Knight from Soul Space, Brisbane), Sacred Birth Doula Training – Celebration of Birth (Anna Watts), Diploma of Photography, White Water Paddling Instructor, Wilderness First Aid, Currently studying: Counseling